Keep and The Black Gate:
on the River Tyne in Newcastle England, this site has had a
fortification since ancient Roman times. Prehistoric tools have also
been found at the site making this a place that has been occupied for
approx, 2000 years. There was also a Christian Cemetery on the site
starting about the 8th century. In 1080, the son of
William the Conqueror, Richard Curthouse, built a wooden keep with a
mote on a raised earthwork on the site of the Roman fort to defend
against the Scots (also known as motte and bailey
construction). In 1172, Henry II built a stone keep on the same site.
1250, the Black Gate, with two towers and a passage between them,was
added to the structure, it had a vaulted guard room, drawbridge and a
portcullis (gate that can be raised or lowered). The gate is named
after one of the tenants who lived there, Patrick Black. The Keep was
beseiged by the Scottish for three months in 1644, until the English
troops finally surrendered. Newcastle Keep was used as a prison from
the 16th to the 18th century.
A whiff of flowers... |
The Black Gate |
Keep Ghosts: (from
There have been numerous ghostly stories told about Castle Keep
which range from the sounds of ghostly footsteps on narrow corridors
which appear to be empty once investigated to unexplained mists which
several visitors have captured on their cameras. Hundreds of
photographs have been published both online and in books which have
sightings of dark shadows, orbs and mists. Visitors have felt cold
spots appear and disappear without any reason and people have been
touched by invisible hands.
The Queens Chamber is one of the center of haunting. Many people
have reported hearing chanting in the chamber which could be heard
echoing around the walls of the Keep. This chanting sound is said to
be made by chanting monks. A lady has been seen many times in the
chamber, especially in the chapel. Visitors have reported being
attacked, scratched and shoved within the walls of Castle Keep.
The Keep’s most famous ghost is called the “Poppy Girl”.
Legend has it that she is the ghost of a flower girl who was sent to
prison because she owed some people money. While she was in prison,
she was raped and beaten to death by the male prisoners. She is often
seen on the stairs of the Keep. It is said that when she is nearby, a
whiff of flowers is present in the air.