Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Horrid! Book List

Northanger Abbey Horrid Book List

Northanger Abbey is a Gothic parody by Jane Austin, here is a list of real books, mentioned by the author, that are read by the characters in the novel.

-The Mysteries of Udolpho by Anne Radcliffe (1794)

-The Castle of Wolfenbach; or the Horrid Machinations of the Count Berniti by Eliza Parsons (1793)

-Clermont. A Tale. By Regina Maria Roche (1798)

-The Mysterious Warning, A German Tale by Eliza Parsons (1796)

-The Necromancer; or, The Tale of the Black Forest, Founded on Facts (1794)

-The Midnight Bell. A German Story, Founded on Incidents in Real Life (1798) by H D Symonds

-The Orphan of the Rhine, A Romance in Four Volumes by Eleanor Sleath (1798)

-The Horrid Mysteries, A Story From the German of The Marquis of Grasse (1796)

-The Italian by Anne Radcliffe (1797)

Most of these books have been out of print for 100 years, but Valancourt Books has an ongoing project to publish old Gothic Novels. They have published many of them already. Check Valencourt's web page or find them on Amazon.

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