Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Gothic Reading Challenge 2014

Gothic Book Challenge 2014
Hosted by A Dark and Stormy Night Blog and Facebook page

Guidelines for this challenge:

1.The date for this challenge runs from Jan 1st 2014 to Dec 31st 2014; only books read during this time count.

2. Anyone can enter, you do not need a blog, just review your book somewhere on-line, Facebook, Shelfari, LibraryThing, Goodreads, Amazon, B & N, or in the comments section of the Dark and Stormy Night blog or Facebook page.

3. There are many good short story collections in this genre. Some public domain ones can be found various places on line. If you have found at least five short stories randomly on line that are not in a collection, that will count as one book. Stories in bound or e-format collections will count as one book, for example, if you read the book 'Twelve Gothic Tales', it counts as one book. Please list each story in your review. For suggestions of stories try the Kindle application (search Gothic stories), where many of the old works are free, also see A Dark and Stormy Night's Facebook page or blog for some stories, little snippets from suggested Ghost and Gothic tales and novels and also author suggestions. Another good source is The Literary Gothic webpage and Gutenberg, or just 'google' 'Gothic stories or books'.

4. Ghost stories, true and fiction do count for this challenge. There is sometimes a fine line between Gothic and Horror so judge carefully remembering that tenets of the Gothic genre include: Works written from the 1700 into the 2000's. A setting with an old manor (often in England), houses with secrets to hide, inheriting an old estate, castles, generally a lower gore level, a damsel in distress, strange family secrets, ghosts, vampires, oddness, and an eerie setting. The novels Jane Eyre and Rebecca are two good well known examples of the genre. 

5. Please like the A Dark and Stormy Night Facebook page and check out the blog if you are interested in this type of literature or in doing the challenge.

6. Sign up and do a year wrap up on some internet forum (include links), or on the A Dark and Stormy Night Facebook page or blog.


Maiden in Distress: 1-3 books

Wandering Spirit: 3-6 books

Lost on the Moors: 6-9 books

Heiress to the Estate: 9-12 books

Lady of the Manor: 12-15

Gothic Princess: more that 15

1 comment:

  1. I just came across this post and would love to participate in the challenge if you're running it again next year. Tracey (Carpe Librum book blog).
